National HIDTA Assistance Center

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program

HIDTA Online Training Tracker (HOTT)

The HOTT system, hosted at the National HIDTA Assistance Center (NHAC) in Miami, FL, has been identified to serve as the national repository for all training activities where HIDTA dollars and resources are committed and expended.  The HOTT system provides a centralized database for the timely storage, retrieval, and dissemination of training information.

The primary objective of the HOTT system is to implement an easily accessible electronic solution to store and disseminate training data, from training schedules to student transcripts.  The long-term objective is to provide a centralized storage, sharing and reporting capability for nationwide HIDTA users.

HIDTA training data is sensitive information and only those with appropriate access may view the data.  Training in the use of the HOTT system may be arranged by contacting NHAC at 305-715-7600 and request the Training Unit.