National HIDTA Assistance Center

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program




Rules of Thumb are used to provide Finance and Budget tips that we see from around the country. These could be comments, questions, or ideas. If you have any that you would like posted, contact us.

Rule of Thumb 1:

No reimbursements for late fees on credit cards or invoices.

Rule of Thumb 2:

Reprogramming, regardless of amount, must go through your HIDTA director.

The Guidelines contain the recommended Reprogramming Worksheet.


Rule of Thumb 3:

Changes to grant or transferring totals require approval from ONDCP. Reprogramming not subject to above needs HIDTA Director's approval and ONDCP notification.

The Guidelines contain the recommended Inter-agency/Inter-Initiative Reprogramming Worksheet.


Rule of Thumb 4:

We cannot reimburse for bottled water unless you can provide a certificate from your city indicated that the water in your facility is unsafe to drink.


Rule of Thumb 5:

No reimbursements for pager rewards.


Rule of Thumb 6:

If you have non-employee travel, your recipient agency needs to have procedures to address this.


Rule of Thumb 7:

If you have travel funds in your budget, we need a copy of your Agency's Travel Policy.


Rule of Thumb 8:

Please ensure that your agency pays only the appropriate, required taxes. We cannot reinburse for self-assessed taxes.


Rule of Thumb 9:

All agencies are required to submit a copy of your audited financial statements with management letter no later than 13 months after the end of your Fiscal year.