1. Please provide your name, HIDTA name and email address where we may send your exam results.
2. Select the HIDTA Program goals from the following. Select all that apply.
3. The HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidelines contains information regarding the Performance Management Process.
4. PMP is based on guiding principles. Select all that apply.
5. PMP allows HIDTAs to be compared to:
6. Performance expectations for the current performance period must be finalized by March 31 and the PMP database will be locked to current year expected performance levels on April 1st.
7. Performance expectations for the current performance period may be revised due to the following. Select all that apply.
8. ONDCP requires all actual outputs be reported in PMP by the end of February of the year following the end of the reporting year.
9. Variances in performance expectations above or below what percent requires the reporting HIDTA to provide an explanation for the variance in its Management and Coordination Initiative IDBP?
10. The HIDTA Program reporting year is the same as:
11. Threat-specific measures address expected and actual outputs and outcomes activities not common among HIDTAs.
12. If a HIDTA does not report a DTO/MLO during the year it was identified and the DTO/MLO is under investigation during the current program year, the HIDTA should.
13. If a HIDTA does not report a drug seizure in the reporting year in which it was seized and the database has been locked for that year, the HIDTA should:
14. Who can provide you with the 4a. Budget Report and what system does it come from?
15. Which document below reflects realistic annual funding needs for each initiative, specific quantitative outputs, and sufficient descriptive detail for ONDCP to assess whether initiatives will achieve the performance expectations proposed?
16. The HIDTA PMP Coordinator is responsible for pushing administrative and initiative-level data at the start of each program year.
17. Select the statement that best defines a DTO for PMP purposes.
18. Select the statement that best defines an MLO for PMP purposes.
19. Select the statement below that best defines when an organization is disrupted:
20. Select the statement below that best defines when an organization is dismantled:
21. A case refers to an agency’s administrative process to collate and track an investigation.
22. A case is closed for HIDTA purposes when all HIDTA investigative action has ceased or when the single DTO in a case has been dismantled.
23. Select the statements below that are true about reporting seizures in PMP.
24. Please select all of the statements below that are true about event deconflictions.
25. The HIDTA PMP Coordinator must implement a review of new DTOs/MLOs and reported disruptions/dismantlement's ensuring PMP definitions are uniformly applied.